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The function of towel, the toilet can actually keep in good health

scanning: time:2021-12-14 classify:News

What are the most common supplies? Don't think it's a towel. Don't simply think it only has the function of washing your face. In fact, its health preservation effect is also very good. Therefore, in the following content, Xiaobian mainly tells you the impact of hot towels on the human body, that is, the function of hot towels!

What are the effects of towel on human body

Towel seems to be just a daily necessities. As long as it is used in another form, it can be called something to promote human health. Let's come and have a look!

1. Eye care

The importance of eyes to human body is well known. If you use it for a long time, it is prone to fatigue and pain, so people generally use all kinds of eye drops for eye health care. In fact, in addition to this method, you can try to perfunctory with a hot towel. Applying hot towel to the eyes can not only promote the blood circulation around the eyes, but also alleviate eye fatigue.

This method can also be used for people who are always facing the computer or whose eyes are dry due to the wind. In addition, it also has the effect of brightening their eyes. Therefore, for its many effects on the eyes, Xiaobian suggests that people can eat this method to protect the eyes.

2. Treat headache

The variety of trivial things in life and the pressure of work make people always in a state of tension, which is easy to cause migraine. The appearance of headache will affect people's mood and life, so how to treat headache is what most people want to know. There are many ways to treat headache. You can try to eat to relieve pain, or apply your head with a hot towel.

Don't underestimate the hot towel. Applying it to the head can promote the blood circulation of the brain, so as to alleviate the headache. If you always have dizziness, you can also try this method.

3. Pillow

When sleeping at night, the posture is incorrect, especially if the pillow is not placed properly, it is easy to fall asleep. The occurrence of falling pillow is easy to make people feel sore in the neck, which will not only affect daily life, but also affect normal work. Therefore, how to quickly alleviate the of falling pillow is very important.

If there is a pillow, you can try to put a hot towel on the part where there is a pillow, and then gently massage the part. The head extends slowly forward at the same time, and then rotates slowly to the front, back, left and right. In the process of doing this exercise, there will be some pain in the neck, but only in this way can the pillow be cured in a short time.

4. Relieve dysmenorrhea

Due to the particularity of women's physiology, there will be a menstrual leave every month. In the coming period, dysmenorrhea will appear more or less. The emergence of dysmenorrhea is distressing for most women. At this time, how to alleviate dysmenorrhea is what female friends have always wanted to know. There are many ways to relieve dysmenorrhea. You can take painkillers or massage your abdomen. In addition, you can also try to apply a hot towel to your abdomen.

Why does applying hot towel to the abdomen have the effect of relieving dysmenorrhea? In fact, it is because most women have dysmenorrhea caused by cold, and the heat of hot towel can remove the cold in the abdomen and play the role of dispelling cold and relieving pain, so as to alleviate dysmenorrhea.

5. Detumescence

It is normal for most athletes to get injured. The wound will inevitably cause swelling and pain. At this time, you can apply a hot towel to the swollen part to reduce the swelling. But Xiaobian wants to remind everyone that hot compress cannot be carried out during the stress period of sports injury.

6. Relieve lumbar pain

With the increase of age, the human body is prone to lumbar disease, which is easy to make people feel pain. When there is pain in this part, people will massage this part. In fact, in addition to this method can relieve lumbar pain, Xiaobian suggests that you can use hot towels.

You can put a hot towel on the lumbar spine, which can promote the blood circulation of the lumbar spine and relieve pain. When doing this method, Xiaobian suggested that you'd better scald the towel with hot water every period of time, which can maintain the heat of the towel all the time, so that you can apply a hot towel to the lumbar spine for a long time, and the effect on this part can continue all the time.

Applying a hot towel to the lumbar spine is not always possible. After all, it is not very convenient. Therefore, Xiaobian suggests that it is very good to apply it before going to bed in the morning or at night. For such a method, we must persevere in order to achieve a certain therapeutic effect. I hope you'd better keep this in mind.

Conclusion: towel is the most commonly used daily necessities. Its function is not only to wash your face. It actually has a lot of health care effects on the human body, but most people don't know it. Therefore, in the above, Xiaobian mainly tells you the role of hot towel on the human body. You can try to use it to protect your health at ordinary times.

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